Part 129: Petrified Forest NPC Chatter 1
Welcome back! Today, we'll be tackling Old Cafu.

: Someone was probably here. When it's your own flesh and blood it's hard to give up on them. Even if you know it's dangerous to come here, you just can't help it.

: You look really pretty. And when you have visitors, you're not so lonely, right?

: This one here has a little brother. When he was turned to stone, the little brother was really upset. He was crying, "I don't want to be away from my big brother. I'll turn to stone and stay here."

: What can you say? We all know how he feels.

: No matter whether they were adults or children. All were turned to stone.

: It can happen really suddenly. He was probably stone before he knew it. Just like a sudden gust of wind.

: And then time stopped. They stand smiling as they were. Everyone is just as they were....
The most interesting thing about this sequence, to me, is that Rapp almost always uses his default grin portrait, instead of his serious/worried one. I could fill a whole update with

about why I feel it's a deliberate choice and how it serves to explain and build Rapp's character, but it boils down to the assumption that "this scene is all about Rapp; therefore, all parts of his involvement should be intentionally chosen" and kinda snowballs from there.

: Do you know this kid, Rapp?

: Ah, this is Nagi, one of the neighborhood big boys. We were always together. But, I'm the older one now.

: Big brother, haven't I grown? Now you sure couldn't beat me.
Also, Justin and Feena both use somber portraits here, providing the contrast for Rapp's happy ones to stand out even more.

: He couldn't forget the village, so he came this far. It was too late when they found him.
Also, lines like this, where they gave Rapp a smiling portrait that isn't his default.
And why? He still hates the people in the tower, and is all on-board with murdering every last one of them as revenge.
It's because he has hope. When he looks at the old village, he doesn't see an irreversible tragedy that came about because of outsiders. He sees a temporary setback that will be cleared up soon enough, so there's no point in being sad.
Sappy and cliché, yes, but so is the rest of the game.
Anyway, back in town, Nicky has something new to say once you've visited Old Cafu.

: Um, well... just over to the Tower of Doom.

: Whaaat! The Tower of Doom---! Rapp's going to the Tower of Doom! AAAAWWWESSSOOOOMMMME---!!

: Shh! Keep your voice down, goofball! Look, don't tell anyone else, OK?

: OK, I won't tell anyone else! I got it, Rapp! Even if I die, I'll keep it a secret!
And that's that. See you next time!